1. Commercial Roofing Services
  2. Pitched Roofing
  3. Benefits and drawbacks of each material

Benefits and Drawbacks of Different Roofing Materials

Discover the Advantages and Disadvantages of Popular Roofing Materials to Help You Make an Informed Decision

Benefits and Drawbacks of Different Roofing Materials

When it comes to commercial roofing, there are a variety of materials to choose from. Each material has its own set of benefits and drawbacks that need to be carefully considered before making a decision. In this article, we will be discussing the different types of roofing materials commonly used in commercial settings and their respective pros and cons. Whether you're looking for durability, cost-effectiveness, or aesthetic appeal, this comprehensive guide will provide valuable insights to help you make an informed decision.

So, let's dive into the world of commercial roofing and explore the benefits and drawbacks of each material. From traditional asphalt shingles to modern metal roofs, we've got you covered. No matter what your specific needs are, this article will help you understand the various options available and assist you in choosing the right material for your pitched roof. So, read on and discover the best roofing solution for your commercial property!When it comes to roofing and construction projects, choosing the right materials is crucial for ensuring long-term durability and cost-effectiveness.

With a plethora of options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to make a decision. There are several factors to consider when selecting a roofing material, including cost, lifespan, energy efficiency, maintenance, and aesthetics. Each material has its own unique features that cater to different needs, so it's important to evaluate them thoroughly before making a decision. One of the most popular roofing materials is asphalt shingles. They are affordable and have a lifespan of around 20 years.

However, they are not very energy efficient and require regular maintenance, especially in areas with extreme weather conditions. Additionally, asphalt shingles may not be the most aesthetically pleasing option for some commercial buildings. Metal roofing is another popular choice, known for its durability and energy efficiency. It can last for over 50 years and is resistant to fire, rot, and insects. However, it can be quite expensive upfront and may require professional installation.

Metal roofing also has limited color options, making it less versatile in terms of aesthetics. For those looking for a more environmentally friendly option, there's the option of using sustainable materials like wood or clay tiles. Wood shingles are biodegradable and have a rustic charm to them. However, they are prone to rot and require regular maintenance. Clay tiles, on the other hand, can last for over 100 years and are fire-resistant.

They also come in a variety of colors and styles, making them a popular choice for commercial buildings. Another popular choice is rubber roofing, which is known for its durability and low maintenance. It is also energy efficient and can last for up to 50 years. However, rubber roofing can be quite expensive and may not be the best choice for buildings with flat or low-sloped roofs. Finally, there's the option of using green roofing, which involves covering the roof with plants and vegetation. This not only provides insulation and improves energy efficiency but also adds a unique aesthetic to the building.

However, green roofing can be quite expensive and requires regular maintenance to ensure the plants stay healthy. In conclusion, when it comes to selecting the right roofing material for your commercial building, it's important to consider all the factors mentioned above. Each material has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it's important to evaluate them based on your specific needs and budget. By doing thorough research and consulting with professionals, you can make an informed decision that will ensure the longevity and functionality of your building's roof.


After considering the benefits and drawbacks of each material, it is clear that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for roofing projects. Each material has its own unique set of advantages and disadvantages, making it important to carefully weigh your options before making a decision. Some materials may offer better durability and longevity, while others may be more cost-effective.

Some may be easier to install, while others may require more maintenance. It ultimately depends on your specific needs and budget. When it comes to choosing the right roofing material, it's important to carefully consider all factors and not just focus on one aspect. By weighing the pros and cons, you can find the best fit for your project and ensure that your roof will stand the test of time.

Slate Tiles

Slate tiles are a popular choice for pitched roofs due to their high-end and long-lasting nature. Made from natural stone, slate tiles offer a unique and elegant aesthetic that can add value to any commercial roofing project.

However, as with any material, there are both benefits and drawbacks to consider when choosing slate tiles for your roof.


  • Durability: Slate tiles are known for their durability, with a lifespan of up to 100 years when properly maintained. This makes them a cost-effective choice in the long run.
  • Resistance to weather and fire: Slate tiles are highly resistant to harsh weather conditions such as heavy rain, snow, and wind, as well as fire. This adds an extra layer of protection to your building.
  • Aesthetic appeal: As mentioned before, slate tiles offer a unique and elegant look that can enhance the overall appearance of your building.
  • Cost: As a high-end option, slate tiles can be significantly more expensive compared to other roofing materials. This can make them less accessible for those on a tight budget.
  • Weight: Slate tiles are heavy, which means they may not be suitable for all roofing structures.

    Additional support may be required during installation, adding to the overall cost.

  • Fragility: While durable, slate tiles are also fragile and can crack or break easily if not handled carefully. This can make repairs or replacements costly and time-consuming.

Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles are the most popular choice for residential roofing, and for good reason. They are affordable, versatile, and come in a wide range of colors and styles to match any home's aesthetic. Additionally, they are relatively easy to install and require minimal maintenance. One of the main benefits of asphalt shingles is their durability.

They can withstand harsh weather conditions, including heavy rain, wind, and even hail. They also have a long lifespan, with some brands offering warranties of up to 50 years. However, there are some drawbacks to consider when choosing asphalt shingles as your roofing material. They are not as environmentally friendly as other options, as they are made from petroleum-based products. They also have a lower insulation value compared to materials like metal or tile, which can lead to higher energy costs. Overall, asphalt shingles are a reliable and cost-effective choice for residential roofing.

Just make sure to do your research and choose a reputable brand for maximum durability and longevity.

Wood Shingles

When it comes to choosing the right roofing material for your commercial or pitched roof, wood shingles are a popular and charming option for rustic-style buildings. These shingles are made from natural wood and provide a unique, timeless look to any structure. They are also an eco-friendly choice, as wood is a renewable resource. One of the main benefits of wood shingles is their aesthetic appeal. They can add character and warmth to any building, making them a popular choice for residential and commercial properties alike.

Additionally, wood shingles come in a variety of colors and can be stained or painted to match your desired look. However, like any material, wood shingles also have some drawbacks. They require regular maintenance and may need to be replaced more frequently compared to other roofing materials. They are also susceptible to insect damage and can be a fire hazard if not treated properly. In conclusion, wood shingles are a great option for those looking for a natural and charming roofing material for their rustic-style building. Just be sure to weigh the benefits and drawbacks carefully before making your decision.

Clay Tiles

Clay tiles are a traditional and aesthetically pleasing option for pitched roofs.

They have been used for centuries and are known for their durability and longevity. One of the main benefits of clay tiles is their ability to withstand extreme weather conditions, including strong winds, heavy rain, and even hail. This makes them a popular choice for areas prone to harsh weather. Additionally, clay tiles are fire-resistant, providing an added layer of protection for your building. Another advantage of clay tiles is their low maintenance requirements.

They are resistant to rot, mold, and insects, which means they do not need to be treated or replaced often. This can save you time and money in the long run. However, there are also some drawbacks to using clay tiles for roofing. They are heavier than other roofing materials, which means they may require additional support and reinforcement during installation. This can increase the overall cost of your roofing project. In terms of aesthetics, clay tiles have a classic and timeless look that can enhance the curb appeal of any building.

However, they may not be suitable for every architectural style and can be more expensive than other roofing options. Overall, clay tiles are a durable and visually appealing choice for pitched roofs. They offer a range of benefits but also come with some drawbacks to consider. It is important to weigh these factors carefully when making your decision on roofing materials.

Metal Roofing

Metal roofing has become a popular choice among homeowners and commercial building owners due to its durability and eco-friendly nature. Made from a variety of metals such as steel, aluminum, and copper, metal roofs can last for 40-70 years, making them a long-term investment for your property.

One of the main benefits of metal roofing is its durability. It can withstand harsh weather conditions such as high winds, heavy rain, and snow, making it a great option for areas prone to extreme weather. Metal roofs are also fire-resistant, which adds an extra layer of safety to your property. In addition to durability, metal roofing is also an eco-friendly option. Most metal roofs are made from recycled materials and can be fully recycled at the end of their lifespan.

They also help with energy efficiency by reflecting the sun's rays and reducing the need for air conditioning, ultimately leading to lower energy costs. However, there are also some drawbacks to consider when choosing metal roofing. The initial cost of installation is higher compared to other roofing materials, and it requires professional installation due to its complexity. Metal roofs can also be noisy during heavy rain or hailstorms, but proper insulation can help reduce the noise. In conclusion, metal roofing is a durable and eco-friendly option for both residential and commercial buildings. While it may require a higher upfront cost, the long-term benefits make it a worthwhile investment for any property owner.

Consider consulting with a roofing professional to determine if metal roofing is the right choice for your building. In conclusion, each roofing material has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. By considering your specific needs, budget, and preferences, you can make an informed decision that will ensure the longevity and functionality of your roof. It's also important to choose reputable contractors and companies that specialize in the material you have chosen, to ensure proper installation and maintenance.